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Fatty Acid A fatty acid has a carboxylic acid on a long chain of carbon atoms. The carboxylic acid may also be called the carboxyl functional group. Fatty acids are a major source of energy for the cell. Compounds called phospholipids are created from fatty acids.

More Information: Lipids
Fermium Symbol:"Fm" Atomic Number:"100" Atomic Mass: (257)amu. Fermium is one of the elements in the actinide series of inner transition elements. It may also be classified as a rare earth element. It is a radioactive and unstable element and you will not find it in use anywhere. The element was named after the physicist Enrico Ferme.

More Information: Actinide Series
Field Specimen A field specimen is a sample taken from outside of the lab. This could refer to a piece of rock, plant life, or an organism.

More Information: Environmental Chemistry
Filtrate Filtrate is the solid substance remaining after you remove the liquid of a solution. If you mix water and chalk, you can remove the chalk by filtering it out. The chalk left in the filter paper is called the filtrate.

More Information: Solutions
Fluorine Symbol:"F" Atomic Number:"9" Atomic Mass: 19.00amu. Fluorine is member of the halogen group. Fluorine is a very reactive, poisonous gas. It is reactive because it combines with most other elements. You can also find it in rocket fuel, uranium refining, Freon, toothpaste, and etched glass.

More Information: Fluorine
Formula This notation tells you the number of atoms in one molecule of a compound. A formula is written with element symbols and numbers in subscript (like the "2" in CO2). The formula for salt is NaCl. The formula for water is CO2.

More Information: Compound Names
Formula Mass The formula mass is the total atomic mass of a compound. You can determine the formula mass by adding the individual masses of each atom in the compound. The formula mass of NaCl is 58.44.

More Information: Compounds
Fractional Distillation A type of distillation that separates two substances with boiling points that are very close to each other. You increase the temperature in very small amounts.

More Information: Liquids
Francium Symbol:"Fr" Atomic Number:"87" Atomic Mass: (223)amu. One of the alkali metal family. Francium is the heaviest of the alkali metals and is extremely rare in nature. It can be created in a lab and acts like cesium.

More Information: Alkali Metals
Free State Atoms that have a valence number of zero. Look to the noble gases for a valence number of zero.

More Information: Noble Gases
Freezing Point A temperature point when a liquid becomes a solid. The word congeal is also used to describe the process of a liquid becoming a solid.

More Information: Solids


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